It goes without saying that I'm a huge fan and follower of Paul Simmonds aka JUNKYARD ANGEL. Every time I find out that he's posted a new mix, I have to plan WAY ahead to prepare the uninterrupted space in which to take in the flow of his vision. If I'm bothered in the least bit during one of his mixes, it upsets the life cycle of his mix and takes me back to square one. That's not cool. But when I do finally settle down and take it all in, he puts me in a time machine where time has stood still for my entire listening session. Voodoo? Maybe.
For the listening pleasure of those that seek an aural journey, I was blessed by JA to host this mix. Within the first few minutes, I hear many familiar sounds that are twisted, cut, and reassembled into his latest cinematic concoction entitled THE BLACK STAR TRANSMISSIONS.
Fresh and hot off the presses comes tasty new sounds for the mental space travelers that need some colorful and harmonically charged transitions and segues for their life's soundtrack. For this mix, I found a way to put together a lot of things that have been really getting my attention lately. I also worked with getting some samples from the FREESOUND site (that I've used on various original projects).
There are many things throughout the day that we hear and take for granted. The many sounds that we hear provide our day with color, experiences, moments, and memory. We are influenced by what we hear our whole lives, whether it's music, communication, sounds, or what-have-you. The music here represents to the beautiful colors that I've managed to be fortunate enough to have taken in within the last few months. I'm gifting this aural experience to you, the listener.