Friday, September 12, 2014

guest mix: the silent project (part III)

I've been dragging my feet on this way too long as I've been wrapping things up on my latest release, I've been on tour, and I'm taking a class on technical business writing that is keeping my mind humming. Now I'm ready to bring you one of the most amazing pieces of ambient- and mood-enhanced sonic pleasures brought to you by none other than THE SILENT PROJECT.

MÉANDRES by The Silent Project is the new standard by which all mixes will (and should be) measured up to. It becomes increasingly difficult for many (myself included) to not be humbled by such a perfect piece that is laid out so logically, with each color lining up to set up the next. It's almost depressing to hear something that is so above and beyond that will inevitably send me to the drawing board wondering how I could even hold a match to one of the greatest things ever. The opening is dark, and the gravitational pull of it takes in your full mental awareness, twisting your mind around and around while dropping bits of shadow and light onto it without stopping its momentum. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Finally got this all mixed (to the best of my ability, not sure if that says much) and put out the door. I've been working on this for months, no kidding. I've learned a lot about the entire recording process (always do), and about organizing myself (biggest nightmare ever). Anyhow, to everyone, here is my gift to you. There is over an hour's worth of music on this, and I was very meticulous in creating the right sounds, getting everything to line up really nice, and having a very large diverse bit of music to satisfy every type of ambient music lover. I did post this up on Soundcloud a while back, but the songs have evolved quite a bit since then and have had much better treatment. 

from the darkness comes light

I've been tuning into a lot of new music lately, and catching some speeches by Neil deGrasse Tyson (whose voice appears in the intro of this mix) who is somewhat of a astronomy genius. Very deep mind. I wanted to put a bit of the new music into this mix (as well as some familiar faces that have graced Spaceman's Transmissions in the past like Ben Woods [my favorite!], Hammock, and, well, a few original compositions). I want to point you to Ben Woods' BANDCAMP page as I lean on him heavily to create the mixes that I do. Also, you can download the original compositions that I did with Petal from the Rusted Sun Collective BANDCAMP page. You may also download my latest release entitled HEADSPACE from Bandcamp (put it up today!).