Thursday, April 17, 2014

deeper space (beyond the mind's eye)

Let's take a bit of time to delve into the inner workings of our cerebral cortex, to the place where sight becomes sound, color has flavor, and moods create life. We'll use this area of our minds to take in the sounds of this mix, and sail gently into the ether of peace and tranquility. Allow the sounds to rinse away the bad vibes and negative moments that plague you, as they are replaced with a renewed sense of creativity, clarity, and focus. 

As I come home from a long 32 day tour of playing music and a lot of traveling, it is nice to have my first day blessed with amazingly sunny and warm weather (after being in states like Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and so on....). I'm greeted by birds singing outside, and the smell of the fresh sunshine-laden earth. Nothing can be better than that, and the sense of peace and joy is reflected in this mix that I present to you. While I did buy quite a bit of new music on tour, I decided to create something from what's been on my secret mixtape rather than use my new morsels (which are being saved for the next mix). It took me quite a bit of time to fully realize and bring into fruition what I've put together here, and I really hope that you like it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

happy 2nd birthday (to spaceman's transmissions)

Well, the blog made it to 2 years (and still going). I assumed that I would have wrapped things up after 1 year and said 'yeah, well, I did something different for a while'. But I'm enjoying the new music that I get to hear, the guests that I get to host that might otherwise not have a chance to have their creations heard, and basically looking at something that I did to be a bit proud of. Thanks to all that have tuned in, turned on, and slept. Or stayed awake to take in new sounds and be inspired by them. Peace.
